Fairytale castles topped our list of must-see places in Europe in winter. We imagined snow-topped spires and icy moats sparkling with Christmas lights. And any other year, we probably would’ve gotten our wish – it just so happened that this year, it was far too warm for snow. No matter! A fairytale castle is beautiful whether or not it’s dusted with snow.
Our first winter destination in Europe was Copenhagen, Denmark. Denmark was once a thriving monarchy with loads of enormous castles, one of which was immortalized in Shakespeare’s Hamlet (is there a word for Shakespearian castles?).
Searching for Copenhagen castles, we found many Copenhagen castle tours that would take us to Frederiksborg and Kronborg (of Hamlet fame) in a group tour, like this one.
Unfortunately, we didn’t have room in our budget (mostly because we spent all of our money on gluhwein, Christmas-spice pickled herring and other delicious Copenhagen Christmas treats).
But, where there is a tour, there is usually a cheaper, self-guided DIY way! And so rather than pay for a Copenhagen castle tour during our visit to Copenhagen in the winter (more on that here), we opted to take the train to see the Copenhagen castles all on our own. It was budget-friendly and a fantastic way to spend a winter day!
Whether you opt for the DIY version or take a tour, visiting the Copenhagen castles is one of the best day trips from Copenhagen. Here is our guide to seeing both of the Copenhagen castles by train!
Table of Contents
Hey, check out some of these other awesome Copenhagen day tours:
Psst: We have a couple more posts about visiting Copenhagen in the winter! If you’re planning a trip, these will definitely help you with everything from what to do to what to wear to what to eat.
- Two Super Detailed Winter Europe Itineraries
- 12 Charming Things to Do in Copenhagen in Winter
- Holiday Food in Copenhagen, Denmark: What to Eat this Winter
- The Perfect 7-Day Norway Itinerary for an Epic Winter Trip
- 15 Things To Do in Aarhus, Denmark – The “City of Smiles”
We’ve also helpfully compiled the information in our 3 Copenhagen posts into a handy dandy PDF that you can take with you on your trip! Sign up below to download the FREE Copenhagen Winter Guide.

How to Get to Frederiksborg Castle From Copenhagen
There are several castles near Copenhagen, and first on our list was Frederiksborg Castle – one of the most famous castles in all of Denmark.
Our adventure started at the Copenhagen Train Station. The main station is just across from Tivoli Gardens in the center of the city.
We didn’t want a re-loadable train card as we weren’t planning any other day trips from Copenhagen, so instead, we looked for the bright red billeter machines to purchase individual tickets.
That sounds a lot easier than it actually was because at the time we didn’t know we wanted the bright red billeter machines. There are lots of machines in the Copenhagen train station, and they all say things like “billeter” on them.
But after consulting with a friendly employee, we purchased a Tourist Ticket to All Zones. It would cover us anywhere that we wanted to go for 24 hours at a price of 130 DKK/$19. (We have since learned that the Tourist Ticket to All Zones is no longer available, and you’ll need to purchase the 24-hour city pass instead which costs 160 DKK/$23.)
Ever the penny pincher, we I planned to get our money’s worth.
Step by Step directions to getting to Frederiksborg Castle by train
- Head to the Copenhagen Train Station. The main station is just across from Tivoli Gardens in the center of the city.
- Find a Red Billeter Machine and get a Tourist Ticket to All Zones (Now the 24-hour city pass ticket). Cost: 160 DKK/$23.
- Take one of the frequent S trains from Copenhagen to Hillerød.

Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød
Our first Copenhagen castle stop was Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød.
We took the comfortable train from Copenhagen to Frederiksborg Castle (as an American, I can’t even tell you how jealous I am of places with actual public transportation options) and disembarked after about 45 minutes in the lovely little Danish town of Hillerød.
The first thing that greeted us was a 7-11, which is only remarkable because it was the most bomb 7-11 I have ever been to. They had like 18 different kinds of fresh juice and prepared paleo meals. Mind you, we haven’t been on the paleo diet since we started traveling, but if I’d known 7-11 would be hooking it up, maybe things would be different.
We’d already packed a lunch (with loads of bread and cheese, because once you fall off the wagon, you might as well embrace it) but if we hadn’t, 7-11 would be the best budget-friendly place to pick up a healthy meal. 7-11 is rad, who knew? (Answer: Beyonce, of course.)

Finding Frederiksborg Castle
Anyway, after spending a while walking through 7-11 poking at brightly covered packages and loudly exclaiming in joy (much to the embarrassment of the perfectly normal Danish patrons, who probably already knew how awesome 7-11 was) we got back on track to finding Frederiksborg Castle.
According to the great wisdom of Google Maps, Frederiksborg Castle was about a 15-minute walk through adorable little Hillerød. We headed down the helpfully named Frederiksborg Street until we came to an adorable little square, complete with an adorable little windmill and an adorable little street lined with shops.
To maximize adorableness, there was also a little booth run by two cheerful, red-cheeked Danish youth offering Hot Chocolate … for free!
Ever the skeptical Americans, we asked why. “Just to promote the Christmas Spirit,” they chirped happily.
I can see why the concept of “hygge” was invented here. It is literally impossible not to feel warm and fuzzy when given free Hot Chocolate and Christmas cheer by two cherub-esque blond Danes in front of a tiny windmill.
Mug of free Hot Chocolate in hand and brimming with hygge, we happily strolled towards the square to catch our first views of the epic Frederiksborg Castle across the lake.
The History of Frederiksborg Castle
Frederiksborg Castle in Copenhagen dates from the 13th century, but its first incarnation was unacceptably plain and functional – not really a castle at all, in fact, but a lowly manor (how un-posh).
The much more stylish and showy King Christian IV, rejecting the offensive monstrosity in which he was born, tore it down in the 16th century and replaced it with something much more fabulous, complete with unnecessary walls, overly decorative fountains, and lots and lots of statues.
The glittering new castle lasted for a few hundred years and then promptly burnt itself down in the 19th century.
Today’s castle is restored to all of its former glory (thanks to the venerable Carlsberg Breweries – beer and charity, a match made in heaven) and is quite a sight to behold.
As we walked around the lake towards it, every new glimpse elicited fresh ooh’s and ahh’s from us (and repeated “take another picture”s from me and “they’re all going to look the exact same”s from Jeremy. Annoyingly, he was right, as usual).
Highlights of Frederiksborg Castle
Frederiksborg Castle today houses The Museum of National History, which costs 75 DKK/$10.50 and is probably really wonderful, but we skipped it. We’re cheap, plus we had woken up late (of course) and didn’t have enough time (story of our lives).
Honestly, we regret skipping it and recommend that you don’t. Frederiksborg Castle is one of the best castles in Copenhagen so best you give yourself enough time to experience it in its entirety.
If you want to spend a few hours exploring the museum, don’t do what we did and catch a train around lunchtime. Wake up early (like a normal, functioning adult whose body doesn’t refuse to awaken until they’ve gotten 10+ hours of sleep) and catch a train before 9am, and you’ll have plenty of time!
Instead of visiting the museum, we explored the stunning castle grounds and caught a free 3D video showing us the varying stages of construction of Frederiksborg Castle (so that we, too, could appreciate how hideously un-showy and lacking in flair its first iterations were).
We walked back to town by way of the gardens, which were disappointingly dead because it was December.
Still, we got a 360-view of the castle, which – as it turns out – looks amazing from all sides. (Note: when the lake is frozen over, it’s so stunning you don’t even mind that the gardens are all dead. Check out this wintry pic from the Frederiksborg Instagram!)
How to Get from Frederiksborg Castle to Kronborg Castle
Our second Copenhagen castle to visit was Kronborg Castle in Helsingør. We headed back to Hillerød station (and through the best ever 7-11 one last time) to catch the 930R train to Helsingør.
Except that the 930R train had just left and the next one didn’t come for an hour.
Luckily, there was another option: the longer and more scenic L train, leaving in a half-hour.
As we’d already explored 7-11 to an irrational degree, we decided to take the L instead of waiting around. And it really was scenic: the train took us past dense woods, mirrored lakes, rolling farmland, tiny Danish towns, the sea, and finally, Sweden.
Sweden was our stop, apparently. Helsingør (also called Elsinore, if you’re Shakespeare or just English speaking) is just across the way from Helsingborg, Sweden (my favorite thing about the Scandinavian languages is that they’re nearly all just slight mispronunciations of each other) which is perfectly visible across the water. You can catch a quick ferry to pop over to Sweden and back any time you like.
Although it was tempting to say a quick hello to Sweden, daylight was already nearly gone as it was around 3pm, and we knew we needed to hurry if we wanted to visit Kronborg Castle.
Psst… If you’re not coming from Frederiksborg Castle and you’re wanting to get from Copenhagen to Kronborg Castle instead, just hop on the R train at Copenhagen Central Station and you’ll reach Helsingør after 45 minutes.

Finding Kronborg Castle
Kronborg was another 15-20 minute walk from the Helsingør station (it turns out we could have disembarked from the station before Helsingør instead for a slightly shorter walk).
As we walked, darkness fell quickly, so that by the time we arrived, it was almost pitch black.
Nobody has bothered to install electricity in Kronborg Castle, so it is still lit by flaming torches and candles, which is adorable but also makes it difficult to navigate in the dark. (Also adorable/foreboding: the gate to the castle is literally called The Dark Gate.)
Luckily, streams of people were leaving, so we just followed them heading the wrong way, like two confused salmon swimming upstream.
To purchase tickets to enter Kronborg Castle, we found out once we arrived at the gate, you actually have to stop at a tiny little cottage somewhere along the path. Probably there is a sign, but as it was 3:30pm and therefore pitch black, and we had neglected to bring our historically appropriate whale blubber lantern, so we’d walked right past it.
We had about 30 minutes before the entire castle was closed for the night, but after skipping out on touring Frederiksborg Castle, we were determined to at least see the inside of ONE Copenhagen castle, even if it was dimly lit and possibly haunted by the ghosts of murdered kings.
So we raced back to find the tiny cottage, purchased our tickets, and fought our way through the exiting crowds once more back to the entrance.
Kronborg Castle in the Winter
Kronborg Castle is where Hamlet was set, and had we arrived in August, we could have seen a rendition of Hamlet in its very courtyard!
As it was, the castle was instead set up as one large indoor Christmas Market, with about 3 rooms set off to the side with a few old couches and some enormous ancient tapestry.
If we’d known in advance that this Copenhagen castle was actually a Christmas Market, I expect it would have been delightful, but we had paid entrance to Kronborg Castle expecting to see a castle and not a Christmas Market.
Although I guess we should have expected to find a Christmas Market after spending a few days wandering through charming Copenhagen and bumping into Christmas Markets around every corner (because Copenhagen in the winter is a Christmas dreamland).
Highlights of Kronborg Castle in Copenhagen
Although the surprise Christmas Market threw us a bit, we dutifully explored the 3 castle-esque rooms, all dimly lit by a single candle or so placed in a corner. Nobody else seemed interested in seeing dimly lit tapestries, so we were totally alone.
It felt not unlike being awake in the middle of the night and searching through a drafty old castle for the ghost of a recently murdered king.
We were reminded of seeing Sleep No More in New York, where Macbeth is acted out silently in a dimly lit warehouse on several floors, and you – masked and anonymous – follow the actors around as they race through various creepy well-designed sets having orgies and murdering people and whatnot.
Note to Kronborg Castle and Sleep No More: I would pay a huge sum of money to attend a similar version of Hamlet in the very castle in which it is set.
How rad would that be?!

Anyway, aside from our overactive imaginations and a checkered floor that sort of looked like the one out of the Kenneth Branaugh Hamlet movie, the actual castle bits weren’t terribly exciting.
Resigned to make the most out of our remaining 15 minutes, we headed for the Christmas Market. And honestly, it was pretty awesome. The goods were more expensive and high-end than what we’d seen in Copenhagen’s Christmas Markets, but the food and drink were delightful.
We sampled cured meats, cheeses, several kinds of jenever, and plenty of wines. If we had been looking for a Christmas Market, this would have been a unique one. It was a lovely and unexpected surprise.
All in all our day of visiting the fairytale Copenhagen castles was delightful, and we highly recommend it as one of the best day trips from Copenhagen!

Other Copenhagen Castles to Visit
If you have more time to explore the castles in Copenhagen, I suggest you include the below three in your itinerary. All are situated in the center of the city and can easily be explored if you have an extra day in Copenhagen.
Christiansborg Palace houses the Danish Parliament, Ministry of State and the Supreme Court. The sheer size and opulence of this Copenhagen castle make it a worthy visit.
Just a short drive away is Rosenborg Castle which houses the crown jewels and resembles that of a castle straight out of a Disney movie! The grounds are impressive, to say the least, and the interior is absolutely exquisite.
If you have time to squeeze in one more Copenhagen castle, Amalienborg Castle is also nearby and is the home of the Danish Royal Family. Parts of this castle are restricted, but you can still explore a large section of the grounds. Try to get here at 12:00 to witness the changing of the guards which is an impressive sight.
Practical Information for Visiting Copenhagen Castles
There are several excellent Copenhagen castle group tours which include transportation and a tour of both castles, like this one. But if you’re up for navigating yourself, it costs only $42 for round-trip train fare AND entry to both castles, so it’s totally budget-friendly to do this day trip from Copenhagen on your own.
Here is the practical and logistic information you need to visit Kronborg and Frederiksborg Castles, which we think is one of the best day trips from Copenhagen in winter!
Frederiksborg Castle
- Address: Møntportvejen 10 3400 Hillerød
- Admission Fee: 75 DKK/$10.50
- Hours: Monday through Sunday; 11am-3pm in winter; 10am-5pm in summer
- Website: https://dnm.dk/en/frederiksborg-castle/
Kronborg Castle
- Address: Kronborg 2C, 3000 Helsingør
- Admission Fee: 95 DKK/$13
- Hours: Tuesday – Sunday 11:00 – 4:00 PM, closed Mondays; longer hours during certain months (more information)
- Website: http://www.kronborg.dk
Train Route
- Cost: 160 DKK/$23 for a 24-hour city pass ticket
- From Copenhagen Central Station, take one of the frequent S trains to Hillerød
- From Hillerød, take the 930R or the L train to Helsingør
- From Helsingør, take an R train back to Copenhagen Central Station (several go directly there)
Psst: We have a couple more posts about visiting Copenhagen in the winter! If you’re planning a trip, these will definitely help you with everything from what to do to what to wear to what to eat. If you’re looking for more details, we’ve also got a full Europe in winter packing list guide.
- 12 Charming Things to Do in Copenhagen in Winter
- Holiday Food in Copenhagen, Denmark: What to Eat this Winter
We’ve also helpfully compiled the information in our 3 Copenhagen posts into a handy dandy PDF that you can take with you on your trip! Sign up below to download the FREE Copenhagen Winter Guide.
If your check-in and check-out times don’t sync up with your need to roam the streets and you need a place to store your bags check out LuggageHero, a service that helps you find a safe place to keep your luggage while you’re running around! Use the code PRACTICALW for 2 hours of free luggage storage on us.
Are you a self-guided day trip type of traveler, or do you prefer to take a guided tour? Leave us a comment below!
Looking for more amazing destinations for winter travel in Europe? Here are some of our favorites.
- Two Super Detailed Winter Europe Itineraries
- 10 Magical Things to do in Bremen, Germany in Winter
- Romantic Bruges, Belgium: Adorable Things to do in Bruges in Winter
- The Perfect 7-Day Norway Itinerary for an Epic Winter Trip
- 35 Photos of Norway in the Winter to Inspire your Wanderlust


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Our Top Travel Tips & Resources
- Booking Flights: To score flight deals, search on Google Flights or Kayak. Money-saving tips: fly mid-week or on the weekend; fly carry-on only on a budget airline; and take red-eyes or early morning flights.
- Accommodations: We usually stay in budget-friendly vacation rentals, boutique hotels or private rooms in hostels. We use Booking.com to book hotels (we love their flexible cancellation policy) and Hostelworld to book hostels (low deposit, easy change/cancellation, and excellent reviews). For vacation rentals, we prefer to book using VRBO because they've got lower fees and better support than Airbnb, and we're not fans of Airbnb's unethical track record. You can also book vacation rentals on Expedia and Hotels.com. We also use TrustedHousesitters as both hosts (for our home and our fur-child) and travelers!
- Travel Insurance: We always, always, ALWAYS buy travel insurance for international trips, and we STRONGLY suggest it - visit our Travel Insurance Guide to find out why. We recommend either World Nomads or SafetyWing for international travel insurance. SafetyWing is one of the few policies that covers Covid-19, and they have excellent monthly policies that are perfect for Digital Nomads and long term travelers!
- Travel Credit Card: We book all of our trips on our favorite travel credit card. Not only do we earn cash back that we can spend on more travel, but the card offers fantastic travel perks like travel insurance, trip delay and cancellation coverage, lost baggage reimbursement, and rental car coverage, which helps protect us on our travels. Learn more here.
- Vaccines & Meds: We use the travel guides on the CDC website to research recommended medications and vaccines for international trips. We always recommend getting every vaccine recommended by the CDC! You can get them at your primary care doctor's office or a walk-in pharmacy.
- Tours: We love booking guided tours, especially food tours and walking tours, to get a local's perspective and a history lesson while sight-seeing! We book our tours using Viator and GetYourGuide.
- Transportation: We use Rome2Rio to figure out how to get from place to place, and book local transportation online using Bookaway wherever we can. When we book a rental car, we use DiscoverCars to compare rental companies and find the best deal.
- Luggage Storage: Whenever we're checking out early or taking advantage of a long layover, we use LuggageHero to safely store our luggage while we're running around. Use the code PRACTICALW for 2 hours of free luggage storage on us.
- VPN Service: A VPN keeps your digital information (like website login details, bank info, etc) safe, even when you're connected to an unsecured network while traveling. Plus, it lets you use Netflix & other streaming sites abroad! We use NordVPN. Use the code WANDERLUSTPROMO when you sign up!
- What to Pack: Here are the travel essentials that we bring on every trip. We also have packing lists for hot weather, cold weather, and many more. Take a look at all of our packing guides!
Erin says
Thank you so much for this! My boyfriend and I visited last weekend and had nearly the exact same experience – waking up too late, getting excited by 7/11, messing up the train times between the castles and only having enough time to go into one. We loved it though and so glad we followed you rather than paying for a tour.
As an FYI, they don’t seem to do the tourist 24 hour train pass any more. You can either get a standard 24hr city pass for 160dkk (which we did), or get a Copenhagen card, which is designed for tourists and covers public transport plus free admission into nearly all attractions. It’s 54 euro for 24 hours, so would be worth it if you visited both castles, plus somewhere else or maybe if you got a multiday one – but didn’t make sense for lazy people like us!
Practical Wanderlust says
Glad to know there are more people like us out there! Thanks for the new info Erin
Lena says
This is so incredibly helpful! I’ll be following this exact guide when we go to Copenhagen and just like you, we can never wake up early enough, so will probably miss the museum as well 😆
Lia Garcia says
Hahahaha I’m so glad we’re not alone! Looking forward to seeing your pics on Instagram of the castles!
Aga says
This looks so dreamy! Now, when I live in Norway, it’s easier for me to get to Copenhagen and then I could maybe even do that trip too! 🙂
Lisanne says
I really want to go to Copenhagen and after reading your post even more. The photos are amazing!
Zoe says
Beautiful photos and great post. I loved Copenhagen few years ago but definitely need to go back!
Lindsey says
I went to Copenhagen a couple years ago in the winter and loved it! I didn’t make it to any of these castles so I guess I just need to go back 🙂
Richa says
I love castles!! Just saw a few in Germany this year.. thanks for sharing 🙂 Adding these to my list next.. ha!
Tanmaya says
I love Copenhagen!! One of my favorite European cities 🙂 We went in the summer (during the Jazz festival, which is amazing), and I cannot wait to experience it in the winter, especially during Christmastime! Your pictures look amazing 🙂 Thanks for the detailed guide
Jacqueline says
Copenhagen over the Christmas time is just beautiful! I was there there last year and absolutely loved it! This is a great guide for a teip to the castles, shame I missed that on my trip – it sounds amazing. And I love how uou managed to do it by yourself on a small budget, great for backpackers like me.
Luxe Adventure Trvlr (@jdomb) says
We haven’t made it to Copenhagen yet and I didn’t realize there are so many castles in the city! Aiming to finally make it there this year.
Lia says
It’s such a great city! We can’t wait to go back.
Anne H Gilmer says
Great info…do you need to reserve a time to get in either castle if you already bought the Copenhagen card?? Thanks
Practical Wanderlust says
Thanks Anne.
Yes, you still have to go to the ticket office to reserve a castle entrance time with your Copenhagen card.
Mansoureh says
The price of group tour is insane! 100 dollars is too much. I usually go for self guided tours since I find the information online and you can save the money for another activity.
Lia says
Not all tours are overpriced and not worth it, but in this case, the apples to apples price of a DIY tour and a guided tour ended painting a pretty clear picture: it’s best to do this one alone!
RaW (@rambleandwander) says
Copenhagen would always be special for me because it was my first destination during my first ever solo backpacking trip in Europe some 20 years ago. Spent a few days there but never really made out of Copenhagen itself apart from to Aarhus so never really got the chance to visit those 2 beautiful castles above. The only castle/palace that I went to was Amalienborg, the royal palace, and that was to see the changing of the guards, haha!
Lia says
We saw the changing of the guard too, quite by surprise on our way walking to the Little Mermaid statue. Such a special thing to see! We absolutely loved Copenhagen.
Mar Pages says
So happy you guys didn’t waste your cash on the other tour. Sure they’re great, but when you can save a few bucks why not do the self-guided DIY way? And now you’ve created a virtual tour! haha. Copenhagen really is an enchanting fairy tale place.
Fiona Maclean says
Stunning architecture! I haven’t been to Copenhagen yet so I’ll definitely check back when I get myself organised!
Drew says
We never made it out of Copenhagen when we visited. We got stuck drinking too much natural wine and eating Nordic food to hop on a train! Great information though about seeing the castles outside the cities. We always try to do things like that on our own, rather than on a tour, because we can go at our own pace and it usually costs a lot less…which means more money in the budget for wine and food!
Lia says
Exactly our thought! Every cent we save gets spent on booze and food 😛
Tom says
I had no idea that were so many castles in Copenhagen. Guess it goes to show assumptions are almost always wrong! Bit annoying you have to pay to enter, but I guess that the way of the world now! If it goes towards the upkeep of the castles, then that’s a good thing!
Lia says
Yes, the entry fee would go towards the museums, the maintainance and upkeep of the castle, and the various programs they put on for visitors. So it makes sense!
Indrani says
Wow! There are so many castles around the same place. Self guided is the best for a slow travel. Taking notes from yours to make mine when I visit. Happy new year!
Kavey says
We much prefer the self guided approach too, so it’s great to read your tips on how to get to the castles and what to see. They look so impressive!