A few years ago, we quit our jobs, put everything we owned in storage, and took off for South America with only what we could fit in our backpacks. Our first destination? Colombia.
We got a lot of weird looks when we told our friends and family we were starting our trip out by backpacking in Colombia; looks that said things like “so, you’re starting a coke ring?” and “but you know there’s plenty of coke in San Francisco, right?“
Despite the worst assumptions made by our friends and families (love you guys, thanks a lot), we aren’t interested in coke (like … at all. Why is that still a thing? It’s not 1985 anymore), and it’s not why we wanted to visit Colombia.
After 1 month of gringo-ing around in our new favorite country (here’s our Colombia itinerary, if you’re curious) and 5 subsequent trips (yeah, it turns out that we LOVE Colombia) we’ve made some observations – with love and affection, we swear – about backpacking in Colombia.
Psst… We’ve got a ton of other resources for your Colombia backpacking trip that you’ll want to look!
- What to Pack for Colombia
- The 10 Most Instagrammable Places in Cartagena, Colombia
- Parque Tayrona, Colombia: How to Get There & Where to Stay
Why We Decided To Go Backpacking in Colombia
It may come as a surprise to some, but Colombia has shed its unsavory reputation from the past few decades to emerge as a fantastic tourist destination.
The enormous country has scenery diverse enough to appease even the most variety-craving traveler: everything from warm Caribbean tropical beaches in Isla Baru and Playa Blanca, to the rolling green hills of the coffee region, the tallest palm trees in the world, the 2nd largest canyon in the world, ancient ruins hidden in the jungle, and several huge metropolitan cities with all of their comforts.
In Colombia you can swim, para-sail, rappel down an enormous waterfall, white water raft, hike, trek through the jungle, bungee jump, drink farm-fresh organic coffee, and eat your way through the many delicious foods of Colombia.
All of this, and more, make Colombia a backpackers dream destination! So, without further ado and in no particular order…

Things You Should Know Before Backpacking in Colombia
1. All of the coins are different sizes, even in the exact same denominations.
This has the effect of making it impossible to get an idea of which coin is which without staring at it for a while, so you constantly feel like Harry Potter when he first tries to pay for something with Wizard money.
2. Honking is like a national Colombian past time.
This is something that all backpackers in Colombia are sure to experience!
Drivers will honk to say hello, to tell you to move, to comment on your outfit, to assert their authority, or just to say “hello world! I have a car and I’m driving it! Look at me!”
3. Road rules are fun suggestions that nobody pays attention to.
Things like double yellow lines or speed limits are usually taken as challenges and aggressively ignored.
4. Toiletries in Colombia are expensive and poor quality.
I suspect it’s because every Colombian has been blessed with perfect hair genes (see: Sofia Vergara’s hair) and has no use for gringo things like conditioner.
My split ends and I are squeezing every last drop out of the hotel-sized toiletries I brought with us! So ladies, keep this in mind when packing for your Colombia backpacking trip. This post will come in handy.
5. You can’t throw toilet paper into the toilets here, and things like soap and paper towels are luxuries.
Often, you must pay for the privilege of using toilet paper or soap. Whenever we find a bathroom that has all 3 included, we feel spoiled and find ourselves saying things like “oooh! Paper towels and free toilet paper! Fancy.“

6. Tomato sauce is hard to find and expensive, but ketchup is readily available.
If only we could make pasta with ketchup. (I wanted to try, but Jeremy said no, so there will not be a “Ketchup Pasta Recipe” blog post, sorry.)
7. Condiments in Colombia come in squeeze bags with screw tops, and we decided we actually like that way better.
It’s much easier and cleaner to make a sandwich while balancing all of your food on your lap during a bumpy bus ride!
Plus, you can squeeze out every last drop, like toothpaste. Which if you’re a stingy asshole frugal like me, is really important (I paid a WHOLE DOLLAR for that mayonnaise, ok?!!)
8. If you don’t convert Colombian Pesos to US Dollars, all of the prices are comparable to what you’d expect in the US.
And then, once you do the conversion, you realize everything is 1/3 the cost of what you thought it was. YAY! It’s really exciting at first. Then, eventually, you stop doing the conversion, and start being enraged about prices again. No? Just me?
9. Hostels in Colombia are inexpensive and fantastic quality.
I’ve written more about our favorite hostels in Colombia here. But let the record stand: when a hostel dorm costs less than $10/night, it’s worth it to upgrade to a private!
We’ve spent months on our honeymoon sharing dorm rooms with 8 loudly snoring people and sleeping in separate beds, all so we could save a few bucks. I’ve been having cheapskate regrets (which is so rare for me because I’m stingy frugal).
10. Most Colombian hostels include a filling breakfast in the cost of a room, one of the best things about backpacking in Colombia.
Yes, that’s right.
A bed for less than $10 a night, PLUS 2 fried eggs, bread with butter and jam, juice, fresh fruit, coffee… It sounds too good to be true, but that’s just another reason why we love Colombia!
We often found ourselves filling up on breakfast and saving money on food for the entire day!
11. Everything and everything in Colombia is Tranquilo.
It’s like, a national state of existence, the same way “chill” describes the entirety of southern California. Everyone tells you tranquilo all the time.
Lost or stranded? Tranquilo.
Running late, out of money, dropped off hours away from your intended destination? Tranquilo.
Having a panic attack while dangling from a rope on a waterfall 250 feet in the air (story here)? Tranquilo.
Doesn’t matter how legitimate you feel your anxiety may be, someone will cheerfully tell you to be tranquilo. We even had one super chill Colombian bro say “tranqui” to us once. Tranqui, breh. Fersh.
12. Time moves differently in Colombia.
It is also tranquilo, and thus does not follow the ordinary laws of time.
So, if you backpack Colombia, expect to wait 20 minutes for your coffee to be served, 45 minutes for food, and an hour for the check to be brought to your table (we’ve given up on waiting, actually. Just walk up to someone who works there and pay them).
Expect a paid tour to be 2 hours late, and a bus to take at least 4 hours longer than expected. And if you find yourself panicking about missing your bus/plane/train/everything, take a deep breath, and repeat after me: Tranquilo.
13. Don’t forget to bring a full-sized towel.
We brought a tiny travel towel that’s about the size of my left thigh, and trust me: tiny travel towels are NOT worth the .00005 oz weight savings. Fuck you, tiny travel towel.
Not only have we spent more on renting towels than it would have cost to just bring our own stupid towels, but not every hostel even HAS a towel available to rent. This is one of our biggest packing regrets for our trip.
14. If someone wants to serve you soup at a typico/traditional Colombian restaurant, or there is soup on the menu, you eat that soup.
Do not question this. I don’t care if it’s 85 degrees in the shade, trust me, you will never regret eating Colombian soup. It is bomb.
15. English speaking is not common here.
If you don’t speak much Spanish, you’re going to struggle to communicate during your Colombia backpacking trip.
Luckily everyone is tranquilo and doesn’t seem to mind waiting patiently for you to act out whatever it is you’re trying to say.

16. If you see a fruit you can’t identify, you should try it.
Especially if it has crazy armor on it. In fact, the weirder it looks, the better!
Our favorite fruit is Cherimoya. It looks like a melted artichoke on the outside, and alien brains on the inside. But it tastes like honeysuckle and bubblegum and happiness.
17. Aguila is our favorite Colombian beer.
It’s sort of like Colombian Budweiser. It’s always costs less than $1, and it tastes the exact same as the fancier brand, Club Colombia (and, frankly, every other beer we’ve tried here. There’s not a lot of variety).
It won’t get you drunk, though – for that, drink Aguardiente. Yum. This one’s popular among all Colombia Backpackers!
18. Colombians are friendly, kind, generous, and very happy to help.
If you’re lost or confused, find anyone on the street and ask them for help. Even with your shitty Spanish and Charades-style communication skills, they’ll usually be happy to help.
Colombians are some of the friendliest people we’ve ever met!
19. Tips are included with your bill.
We thought they weren’t, so we overpaid for like 2 weeks straight and were super confused as to why everyone was so thrilled. Look for a line that says “propina” on your receipt, just above the total – that’s the tip.
If you’re backpacking through Colombia, you’re probably on a shoestring budget so this should come as quite a relief.
20. Bring a water filtration system.
It will save you money AND save you from getting sick. We’ve been using a Steri-Pen and are saving several dollars on bottled water per day – enough to funnel right back into our towel-renting habit.
Read more of our tips on what to pack for South America here.

21. Every Colombian song has the word “corazon” in it at least once, usually several times.
Also, a lot of cowbell. Once you notice these things, you can never un-notice them.
Sorry, we just ruined Colombian traditional music for you. Whoops.
22. Reggaeton is the best music ever and you will end up loving it even if you don’t want to.
It’s just so freaking catchy. Plus, it’s played EVERYWHERE!
Resist all you want, but you’ll succumb too. Shakira, Nicky Jam, Enrique Iglesias, and Bomba Estereo are the new soundtrack for my life, and also my life is a constant Latino party.
Below is our favorite song from Colombia. Not only does it begin with the word “corazon,” (THREE TIMES!) but it will make you want to drop everything and go to Parque Tayrona immediately.
And it’s catchy, AND it’s inclusive! Look, just watch the video, we promise it’s great.
23. The milk in Colombia is extremely sweet and sold in bags
But since there’s no Cinnamon Toast Crunch or other decent cereal to eat it with, we don’t have any use for milk anyway.
24. In addition to milk, everything in Colombia is sweeter than what you’d expect
From fresh fruit juice (jugo naturales) to cakes and desserts (postre) to sodas (gaseoas).
During our Colombia backpacking trip, we ordered a piece of cake and neither of us could finish it – and we both have a MAJOR sweet tooth! We’ve taken to eating fresh fruit for dessert just to keep our heart rates down.
25. Things in Colombia have a way of magically working themselves out.
3 times we’ve gone on a long hike, only to run out of water, run out of time, AND run out of money. 3 times we’ve found somewhere to buy water, caught the last bus with seconds to spare, and been happily driven to an ATM where the entire bus patiently waited for us to get more cash.
Is it travel magic, or is it realismo magico?
Whatever it is, Colombia is magical. We’ve begun internalizing tranquilo and just waiting for things to work themselves out.
We’re SO chill now, you guys. Seriously, we only freaked out like, 18 times last week.

26. Visit the nearest Colombian mercado for fresh produce and meat!
If you have access to a kitchen (and know how to cook), this is the cheapest and freshest way to eat. All of the produce is farm fresh, and all of the meat here is grass fed and pasture raised.
I’ve met a lot of very happy livestock in Colombia, and they all tasted delicious.
27. Sidewalks are for chumps.
You will find yourself walking in the street along with everyone else soon enough, and casually floating to the side whenever someone honks at you. Tranquilo.
28. Hats are an important accessory in Colombia for more reasons than you’d expect.
Fedoras, an American symbol of being an asshole, are in fact a fashionable accessory here (particularly for gringos) and you’ll see them for sale everywhere. We were actually tempted to buy one.
A more traditional Colombian hat is the attractive striped sombrero vueltiaos.
This iconic striped sombrero is a useful way for judging things like whether the food somewhere is good, or whether you’re likely to get stared at for entering somewhere: the more men wearing striped sombreros you see in a place, the more traditional it is (and thus the food is better and you will probably get stared at).
I once walked into a little shop full of men in striped hats and immediately everyone froze and someone whispered, “es una gringa!” Awkward.
29. Salespeople are kind of relentless in Colombia.
Walking into a mercado, you’ll be confronted by a continual chorus of “a la orden!” which is an idiom that means, basically, “at your service.”
We haven’t yet figured out how many of these we have to acknowledge with a smile and a “gracias” or “buenas” to not seem like those gringo assholes, versus how many we can safely ignore while we shop in antisocial peace.

30. If you’re backpacking Colombia, the bus rides are adventures in and of themselves.
Buses never leave at the time they’re supposed to (thanks to the Colombian space-time continuum where everything is delayed a few hours), and if a bus has even a couple of empty seats, it will circle around for hours trying to find people to fill them before actually leaving for your destination.
If by some miracle your bus DOES leave on time (once we even left with a half empty bus!!!) you’ll inevitably hit traffic or construction, spend an hour at some random lunch spot, get dropped off at completely across town from your destination, and arrive at your destination roughly 5 hours late.
On the plus side, you’ll never need to bring snacks on a Colombian bus – there’s always vendors hopping on to sell you food or offering snacks through the window in traffic. Read more about ridiculous Colombian transportation.
Our month backpacking in Colombia was a blast and we enjoyed every minute of it! Well, okay, we’ve enjoyed at least 95% of the minutes, and the other 5% were really terrible and stressful and mainly involved hiking and being rescued off a waterfall, so you can’t blame us for not enjoying those minutes.
We’ve since returned to Colombia 5 times, and we’ll be back many more. What can we say? We love Colombia!
Have you ever gone backpacking in Colombia? Did some of these ring true for you? Let us know in the comments!
Psst: We’ve got a ton of other resources for Colombia that you’ll want to look at before your trip!
- The Best Hostels in Colombia
- Colombia Itinerary: Ultimate Guide to 1 Month of Backpacking Colombia
- A Complete Guide to Transportation in Colombia
- The Best Colombian Food: What to Eat in Colombia
If you are looking for more tour tips during your visit to Colombia the amazing guys over at ViaHero will connect you with a local person who will share all their juicy knowledge and help you plan your perfect itinerary. Check it out here.

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Our Top Travel Tips & Resources
- Booking Flights: To score flight deals, search on Google Flights or Kayak. Money-saving tips: fly mid-week or on the weekend; fly carry-on only on a budget airline; and take red-eyes or early morning flights.
- Accommodations: We usually stay in budget-friendly vacation rentals, boutique hotels or private rooms in hostels. We use Booking.com to book hotels (we love their flexible cancellation policy) and Hostelworld to book hostels (low deposit, easy change/cancellation, and excellent reviews). For vacation rentals, we prefer to book using VRBO because they've got lower fees and better support than Airbnb, and we're not fans of Airbnb's unethical track record. You can also book vacation rentals on Expedia and Hotels.com. We also use TrustedHousesitters as both hosts (for our home and our fur-child) and travelers!
- Travel Insurance: We always, always, ALWAYS buy travel insurance for international trips, and we STRONGLY suggest it - visit our Travel Insurance Guide to find out why. We recommend either World Nomads or SafetyWing for international travel insurance. SafetyWing is one of the few policies that covers Covid-19, and they have excellent monthly policies that are perfect for Digital Nomads and long term travelers!
- Travel Credit Card: We book all of our trips on our favorite travel credit card. Not only do we earn cash back that we can spend on more travel, but the card offers fantastic travel perks like travel insurance, trip delay and cancellation coverage, lost baggage reimbursement, and rental car coverage, which helps protect us on our travels. Learn more here.
- Vaccines & Meds: We use the travel guides on the CDC website to research recommended medications and vaccines for international trips. We always recommend getting every vaccine recommended by the CDC! You can get them at your primary care doctor's office or a walk-in pharmacy.
- Tours: We love booking guided tours, especially food tours and walking tours, to get a local's perspective and a history lesson while sight-seeing! We book our tours using Viator and GetYourGuide.
- Transportation: We use Rome2Rio to figure out how to get from place to place, and book local transportation online using Bookaway wherever we can. When we book a rental car, we use DiscoverCars to compare rental companies and find the best deal.
- Luggage Storage: Whenever we're checking out early or taking advantage of a long layover, we use LuggageHero to safely store our luggage while we're running around. Use the code PRACTICALW for 2 hours of free luggage storage on us.
- VPN Service: A VPN keeps your digital information (like website login details, bank info, etc) safe, even when you're connected to an unsecured network while traveling. Plus, it lets you use Netflix & other streaming sites abroad! We use NordVPN. Use the code WANDERLUSTPROMO when you sign up!
- What to Pack: Here are the travel essentials that we bring on every trip. We also have packing lists for hot weather, cold weather, and many more. Take a look at all of our packing guides!
Mike says
So well written (entertaining!!). TY for the guidance .
Ward van Beek says
Wow! such a great post! Loved it! AND your sense of humor! We’ll be visiting Colombia in January. I will let you now if and when we’ll disagree with your assessments. ๐ Thank you!
Lia Garcia says
Yay have a great trip! Please report back ๐
Kay says
This is awesome! I wouldn’t have even thought of these…until it was too late! Hahah. I’m headed there at the end of the year, and now I will back a full sized towel WITH GUSTO!
Julie says
Loved my two months in Colombia, and this post makes me miss it. Love the differences, even when they are weird or strange hehe>(
Albรญna Mrรกzovรก says
Hahaha, I really enjoyed reading this! Super fun post, cannot wait to get to Colombia, seems like a fun place to backpack
Flora says
Ohh the amount of times I considered making pasta sauce with ketchup!! ๐ This brought back so many hilarious memories of Colombia – lovely post!
Josh says
Iโve only been in country a week and have been filtering everything through a far less โtranquiloโ lense. Of the 34 countries Iโve been to so far, this is slowly working its way to the NEVER AGAIN. If you are coming for a pretty view, cheep beer, a couple stories, and some of the worst food that you will ever blog about enjoying, sure! This is the place for you! Although, I donโt recomend this for anyone looking to enjoy their vacation.
Lia Garcia says
Sorry you feel that way! We feel the exact opposite :-/ but hey, everyone experiences places differently and it’s 100% OK to not like a place as much as everyone else seems to. We’ve had that same feeling many, many, times.
Angela says
You forgot to mention how loud Colombians are. I am and havenโt been There Decades. I look forward to the foods, the fruits and the dancing. My dad use to tell me & my siblings to eat a chirimoya by sucking the inside of it like we use to suck our mocos (mucus/bugles/snot). I thoroughly enjoyed your article.
Lia Garcia says
Ahahahah that makes chirimoya sound SO gross but it’s totally a fair comparison ๐ delicious snot fruit, yum. Hehehe
nick baranov says
thank you so much for this list, and for sharing your experiences! I am about to take off on a solo gypsy trip to Colombia and this is the most helpful article/website i’ve found. will be keeping in touch to learn more from your experiences. thanks so much!
Lia Garcia says
We’re so happy to help! Enjoy your trip to Colombia – you’re gonna love it!
Nancy says
We are headed to Colombia this summer and found your post while researching. It was enjoyable to read, but also has some useful info. Great post and great info!
Lia Garcia says
Happy to help, Nancy! Enjoy your trip!
alex westerlaken says
Just back from one month Colombia i love this country …I stayed with my friend i drove a motorbile in Bogota and drove a car from Bogota to Medellin and back i know now i can drive anywhere in the world now …what a great country ……One thing not mentioned in the article is tjat Colombians skip ques and don,t apologise when bumping into anyone else …it,s normal get used to it
I also visited the jungle near Brasil where Indians don,t speak Spanish and where rebels are active
Te amo Colombia yo requerdo un tiempo bueno
alex_West010 The Netherlands
Lia Garcia says
I’m definitely way too nervous to ever rent a car in Colombia, ahhh! I’m glad you liked Colombia ๐ I haven’t noticed the bumping in & skipping lines thing myself, but what are ya gonna do ๐
Oscar Cedano says
Yulieth says
Hello there! I am Colombian and I find this so funny and nice, , even things that are common for me, it’s surprising how it can be so unusual for foreign people, anyways, I loved the “Honking point” because it’s so true. I agree with the sweet taste in every dessert, cake or soda, I don’t like it too much btw. Hey guys, if ever come to Barranquilla, Colombia, you can contact me. ๐
Thank you for the point of “Colombians are happy to help” so nice to read it.
Lia Garcia says
You’re so kind, Yulieth! I have actually visited Barranquilla before – a friend of mine taught English there. It was the first place in Colombia I ever visited, and it’s what made me want to start in Colombia for our year-long honeymoon! <3
Franzi says
Your list is spot on! It literally made me nod and laugh out loud at almost every point! It’s my 4th time travelling to Colombia now and I can subscribe 100% to everything you mentioned. Thanks for the lovely read!
Becky says
Great Post! I really really want to go to Colombia next year and it just sounds like such an amazing country! I would love hearing reggaeton everywhere, sounds pretty cool!
Mark says
Love this post. Some of the same things hold true for Nicaragua as well, which I highly recommend as a destination.
I am planning for Colombia for February and March of 2018. Looking forward to reading more of your posts!
Bonnie says
LOL, I love this list! We are backpacking in Colombia right now. These are all so true!!
Zuri Pommerenk says
This is such a funny post! I have been traveling in Mexico for a few months and I could say a lot of the same stuff for this country. One thing I’d add about Mexico is that the water is rarely hot and the water pressure is varying degrees of terribly weak or it’s a crazy strong waterfall. It’s taken some getting used to for sure. I am about to head out to Guatemala for 3 weeks with a friend who lives in Bogota (he’s meeting me in Antigua). He has been asking me to come visit him in Bogota so we can travel around his country together. So, I am thinking I’ll be heading to Colombia in the next few months, but my next stop after Guatemala is Utila, Honduras. Happy travels! If you want to follow me, I’m on instagram as @zoogsta or I have my own blog http://www.findingzuri.com. My writing is definitely not as funny, but I do detail my experience of Mexico and my own personal process of healing from the rat race as I’ve been here.
Lia says
Thanks Zuri! We’re currently in Mexico too, actually! We haven’t seen enough to be able to make sweeping observations, but we certainly haven’t had any hot or decently strong showers, that’s for sure.
Pauline Travels says
Haha I love number 5!!!! The only thing I really felt that Colombia was missing was paper to dry your hands after toilet visit.. Hahaha ๐
Mikala Wood says
Thanks for the advice. I’m heading to Colombia this summer and your blog is making me super excited! I like the way you write as well you had me cracking up!
Lia says
Thanks Mikala! I hope our posts as useful as you prepare for your trip. Let us know if you have any questions we can help you with!
Sarah says
I frequent Colombia pretty often since my parents are from there and a lot of what you wrote is hilariously true. Loved reading your post. Looking forward to reading others.
Lia says
Thanks Sarah! I’m glad you liked it ๐
Lia says
haha that sounds hilarious! Knowing Spanish would be a HUGE help here for sure, English is hard to come by. My spanish has already improved vastly in the past month! I've been wanting to do SE Asia for a while too ๐
Lia says
So glad that you found it helpful! We'll have some posts up soon about our favorite things to do and see in Colombia. I definitely think it's well worth a visit!
Sara Essop says
Haha, I enjoyed this post. I've been considering visiting Colombia but don't know much about it yet so this helped to shed some light.
Sara Essop says
This comment has been removed by the author.
Samantha Elisabeth says
Oh man this list had me cracking up! Colombia sounds like such an adventure, and reminds me a bit of some of the SE Asian countries I've been to. The "tranquilo" thing is hilarious, and is definitely a Spanish thing. I lived in Spain for a semester, and everything was tranquiloooo but with a side of 'tude. I remember trying to pick up my last paycheck for tutoring and getting swept into a surprise birthday party for something and getting attitude from the guy writing my check because he was taking so long!
Also the honking… Korea has that issue too. Drives me bonkers! Glad you had such an adventure in Colombia though! I'm dying to travel around Latin America, especially since I did spend so long studying Spanish, but just haven't been able to yet!
Unknown says
So enjoyable to read of your travels, entertaining and well written, love you guys, be safe!