I started Practical Wanderlust in June 2016. I wanted to have a travel diary for our year-long honeymoon: a way to record our experiences for our family and friends, and perhaps share information with other travelers too. Always mindful of my budget, I hoped to perhaps grow Practical Wanderlust enough during our trip to help offset some of our travel expenses after we returned: maybe with the odd discounted hotel stay, here and there.
By the end of 2016, after 6 months of blogging, I had earned a grand total of $65.07, as well as one comped $80 tour in exchange for a blog post (this one, right here). Anyone who’s ever earned their very first dollar online knows the elation I felt at having earned this tiny sum of money. I was ECSTATIC, and I saw potential.
What if, I wondered, I might actually be able to make real money off of Practical Wanderlust? Like, what if I could earn $1,000 every month? That would nearly pay for our annual travel budget!
I’m not a big dreamer by nature. I’m practical, and I tend to set myself realistic, attainable goals. But even so, when I told Jeremy that I wanted to earn $1,000 per month off of the blog, he was incredulous. “Did you mean $1,000 in a year?”
“No, like, per month.”
“Every month, $1,000? Are you serious?”
I was. I’d heard that some people were able to LIVE off of their blogging income. Sure, in the travel blogging sphere it seemed like every full time blogger was also a digital nomad, permanently living out of a suitcase in somewhere that cost a lot less than the US, but still. It seemed reasonable. After all, it wasn’t like I was planning to live solely off the income from the blog. So why not shoot for the sky?
$1,000 a month it was. And so I set my crazy goal for 2017, my first full year of travel blogging, aiming high and fully preparing to fall flat on my face.
But quite the opposite happened: in 2017, I made over $22,000 – nearly DOUBLE the goal I’d set for myself – and I surprised myself completely. At the end of 2017, I decided to pursue travel blogging as my full-time job. You can read more about that decision in this post.
Table of Contents
Looking for more income reports? We’ve started doing monthly reports in 2018. View them all here or click below.
Psst: Are you a travel blogger who wants to monetize their blog? Figuring out where to start can be soooo overwhelming – I’ve been there (and it took me MONTHS to actually get started!) But the earlier you begin, the sooner you can start earning back cash to pay for your expensive travel addiction! Sign up for my FREE 5-day email course and I’ll walk you through taking the first steps to start finally start earning money from your travel blog.

When I made the decision to blog full-time, we weren’t planning to live somewhere cheap, like Colombia, where $1,000 paid for both us for for an entire month.
Instead, we were living in the San Francisco Bay Area, shackled to a rent that would get us a mansion in most parts of the USA, much less the rest of the world.
$22,000 didn’t even begin to cover our rent, much less anything else. It was a crazy idea – especially considering that my husband is a high school teacher, and I’m supposed to be the breadwinner (whoops, sorry babe).
But I had run the numbers. I made a financial plan (because I’m a nerd and I love spreadsheets, and also because my background is in corporate retail and planning is second nature at this point). And according to my financial plan, I should be able to almost double my $22,000 again in 2018.
Hey, I know: these are not crazy high numbers for a full-time gig. My cushy corporate salary was about double what I plan to earn next year from travel blogging. But look, lemme be real with you: blogging isn’t a get rich quick scheme. It’s not even really a get rich ever scheme. You do it cuz you love it, and cuz you can’t imagine not doing it.
I’m acutely aware that my income is not going to buy us a luxurious lifestyle, but you know what? I’m going for it anyway. I’ve thought it through, and it’s worth the sacrifice. But that’s not what this post is about (I have a whole other post on this, actually: here’s how I decided to blog full time).
This post is about spelling out exactly how I earned every penny of that $22,000, plus how I plan to grow next year, and how I reached my estimated financial plan numbers to potentially even invest into the tesla coin app for long-term returns. Next year, we’ll see how I did compared to my plan!

Travel Blog Income Report for 2017
In mid-2017, when I’d made some money with my blog and was trying to figure out how to make more – and determine whether this could actually be a full time gig – I devoured income reports from successful travel bloggers. I wanted to know if this was economically feasible as a JOB. What does it look like to travel blog full time? How do you earn money as a travel blogger?
After all, that’s the question I’m asked most frequently when I say that I’m a travel blogger: “but do you actually earn money doing that?” And yes, it’s awkward EVERY time.
But happily, my answer is YES. I want to share how I earned $22,000 in my first full year of blogging, and hopefully help you to monetize your blog, too!
Here’s a breakdown of my travel blogging income this year:
- Advertising: $6,720.14
- Affiliate Income (Excluding Amazon): $1,658.91
- Amazon Affiliate Income: $2,764.49
- Paid Press/FAM Trips: $6,135
- Sponsored Posts: $2,725
- Social Media Consulting & Courses: $2,450.75
- Grand Total: $22,454.49
And here are those same numbers, but in VISUAL GRAPHIC form (please cue the oooh’s and ahhh’s):
As you can see, I earned money in a variety of ways. Like a good stock portfolio, a healthy blogging income is diversified.
That way, if you have a bad month in one area – or experience a seasonal dip – hopefully you can make it up elsewhere and keep the panicking to a minimum. Like when my Amazon sales tanked in September and I spent every day refreshing my affiliate dashboard and holding back tears. Ahem.
Also, because it’s important to have some context (and also because I have spreadsheets full of data and need an excuse to use it for something) here’s my traffic/follower summary for this year:
- In January of 2017, I received 34,500 page views and had about 3,500 subscribers + Social Media followers
- In December of 2017, I received 83,500 page views and had about 25,000 subscribers + Social Media followers
- On average, my Social Media followers & subscribers grew 11% per month and growth was fairly steady
- On average, my page views grew 21% per month, with sort of a wobbly roller-coaster of growth
- Most of my traffic in 2017 came from Pinterest. The 2nd largest traffic source was from Google.
Anyway, back to talking about money. Let’s break down each of my revenue streams!

Ad Revenue
- 2017 Earnings: $6,900.14
- 2018 Plan: $13,890
- % Increase: 107%
I didn’t start earning real money from advertising until May. I say “real” advertising because until May, I was with Google Adsense, which earned me a grand total of around $50 over the course of nearly a year.
I’ll never see that money, because their payout minimum is $100, and it’s not even worth it to keep ads on my site just to cash out my $100. I’m filing “Google Adsense” away with “Selling detox teas” on my list of income streams that just aren’t freakin’ worth it.
But in May, all of that changed. In May, was able to join Mediavine because I hit 25,000 visitors to my site – for the 2nd time ever. The first time was in January, but I hadn’t actually heard of Mediavine in January, and one of their application requirements is 25,000 sessions in the last 30 days. I didn’t hit that number again until May, and I’m still kicking myself over the income I lost out on in the 5 months I wasn’t signed up.
Anyway, in May, I signed up with Mediavine. Mediavine is what’s plastering the ads you see all over my site. And while you may find them irritating – they’re certainly not invisible – unfortunately, they’re not going anywhere because they pay the bills better than anything else!
I’m going to be honest: I wouldn’t be able to blog full time if it wasn’t for Mediavine. I think of my Mediavine ad revenue as my base salary: it’s reliable, steady income that I get paid on time every single month.
I rely on it. It’s the backbone of this whole operation. If you want one piece of advice for monetizing your blog, it’s this: get to 50,000 visitors ASAP and then apply to Mediavine.
Mediavine is one of the best ad networks around, with a fantastic network of bloggers and a super helpful team of employees. They’re a pleasure to work with and they make me happy every single day (first thing I do when I wake up each morning is to check my advertising income from the day before).
The company was started by bloggers, for bloggers. Oh, and if you’re wondering: no, there’s no affiliate scheme. I don’t get a penny if you join (except in the sense that having a more robust membership gives them better leverage to negotiate higher ad revenues on my behalf). I just genuinely love them!
How I’ll Grow Ad Revenue Income Next Year
Because I only earned income from Mediavine for half of the year last year, this is a big area that I’ve targeted for monetary growth in 2018. I’ve planned a growth of 107%, which is huge.
Not only am I doubling the months I actually earned income from Mediavine, but I’m anticipating a modest traffic growth, too. I’m planning to average about 95,000 page views per month over the course of the year, topping off in December of 2018 with around 120,000 page views thanks to an average monthly growth of around 4%. More traffic = more ad revenue.
So 108% SOUNDS steep, but it seemed reasonable when I wrote out my plan, so we’re going with it. Psst: that averages out to over $1,000 per month, which was my initial goal! And it’s totally passive income, so I earn it while I’m like, asleep. Amazing.

Affiliate Income
- 2017 Earnings: $4,423.40
- 2018 Plan: $11,133.00
- % Increase: 118%
The vast majority of my affiliate income comes from Amazon. Like, 60% of it. Otherwise, it’s kind of a mixed bag.
Affiliate income is such a sore spot for me – I haven’t quite figured it out, honestly (outside of Amazon). I haven’t yet nailed a strategy that works for me, and I’m not entirely sure which sites my readers are most comfortable using to book hotels, tours, and other travel accommodations. For example, a lot of travel bloggers swear by Booking.com, but I’ve gotten no traction at all – and the few hotel bookings I’ve had paid out so poorly it was barely even worth it.
That said, I’ve built in a fairly aggressive improvement for next year. It takes a LOT of trial and error to nail an affiliate income strategy, and I’m not there yet. But by the end of 2018, I should be in a much better position. I’m really eager to grow affiliate income to be a nice passive income stream, like my ad revenue.
Amazon is the one source of affiliate income that really DOES work for me. My readers are almost all American millennials living in areas served by Amazon, and they buy all their stuff on Amazon. Which I totally get, because I’m the same way. Going to a store is a lot more effort than waiting 2 days for delivery, somehow. Plus, one of them doesn’t require pants.
Many travel bloggers have found success with affiliate networks like ShareaSale and AWIN. I’ve had mixed results – but I also find them really overwhelming. These are affiliate networks with like, a ZILLION programs to choose from, and frankly I haven’t tackled it like I really should.
That said, I’ve had decent luck with AWIN in recent months and I’ve been averaging about $50 per month, so hopefully that trend continues!
Here’s are the affiliate programs that have been working best for me thus far (with links for you to apply, if you like!):
How I’ll Grow Affiliate Income Next Year
Some of the things I’ll be doing to dial in my strategy in 2018 are sending out a survey to my readers and then running hideously specific analysis on the data I collect to figure out WTF they like. I’ll also be doing some major deep dives into my Amazon sales, which are FULL of juicy information I haven’t even begun to analyze.
Thus far, my Amazon affiliate revenue has risen steadily along with my traffic. So because I’m anticipating a steady traffic increase next year, I’m also anticipating steady Amazon growth.
I’ve also factored in seasonal changes because I actually have a fairly reliable year of history to track, unlike Mediavine whose seasonal data I just made up for half the year, or Affiliate Income which I didn’t earn much from until recently and thus have nothing to base my plan off of at all.
I’ve got a few posts that convert really well for me when it comes to Amazon, and I’ll be relying on proven strategies to double my Amazon income for 2018. I plan to write more packing posts, and include Amazon links in every post I can.
Other than Amazon, I’ll continue my journey of trial & error to figure out how I can capture an audience that is actually ready to buy stuff, and commit to the massive task of putting affiliate links in all of my older posts. You’d think this would be a no-brainer, but oh my goodness, it is so tedius.
My growth is spread out over my favorite affiliate partner programs and networks. Most everything else I’ve planned flat to 2017.
I’d also like to expand my portfolio of private affiliate partnerships with brands that I absolutely adore. I was lucky enough to score some awesome affiliate relationships this year, and they tend to pay a better commission rate than most big affiliate networks.
These are just partnerships I’ve really stumbled into, though – one is with Disney for a campaign they reached out to me to join, one is with a friend of mine whose product I think is awesome, and one is with a company selling travel products that I’m obsessed with – so I’m not entirely sure whether I’ll have any luck actually seeking those relationships out. Still, it’s worth a try!
I’d love some pointers or even helpful courses that could assist me with growing my passive affiliate income, so drop me a comment if you’ve got something in mind!

Paid Press/Fam Trips
- 2017 Earnings: $6,135
- 2018 Plan: $3,000
- % Increase: -53%
Paid Press/FAM trips are bittersweet. On the one hand, they pay well, and they’re SO MUCH FUN – nothing is more glamorous and exciting than getting paid to travel! That’s like, what we all DREAM of when we decide to become travel bloggers, right?
But on the other hand, they’re really unreliable. They require a LOT of effort to pitch & arrange, particularly for newer bloggers like me. Which is incredibly difficult and truly, quite emotionally taxing – I get a zillion “no’s” for every “hmm, we don’t have a budget for that right now, but let’s touch base next spring” which is frankly, a pretty good response.
It is really, really hard & intimidating to email a company out of the blue and ask them to pay for you to go somewhere. It’s not impossible – I did it successfully a few times, after all – but it is SO hard, and it’s an exhausting and nerve-wracking revenue stream to rely on.
Plus, through a massive stroke of bad luck, one of my biggest 2017 invoices has not yet been paid. Which means that even though I technically earned $6,135 last year, only $3,385 of it has actually landed in my pocket.
Huge flashing warning about that: don’t allow any 3rd parties to involve themselves in your paid FAM/Press Trips when you are capable of pitching them on your own.
I allowed a company to act as an intermediary for me, which meant that I signed their contract rather than my own. The kicker? They created that contract AFTER they had quietly filed for bankruptcy the week before.
I don’t even know whether the contract was legally binding. But they’ve since ceased responding to my emails, leaving me on the hook for not only my deliverables but hundreds of dollars in expenses that were supposed to be reimbursed after my stay.
I’m involving a lawyer. It sucks, but it’s a HUGE amount of money for me, and I can’t afford to just let it go. Besides, this company has also f**ked over a bunch of other bloggers, and I want them to be held accountable for their dishonesty.
Why I’m Decreasing My Paid Press Trip Income Next Year
I haven’t planned an increase in this area for 2018. In fact, I’ve planned a decrease. This isn’t a revenue stream I want to rely on, and I’m not counting on it to be a huge piece of my income in 2018 – or any other year, for that matter.
If I’m able to score a few paid trips, GREAT! But I may only be able to land 1 or 2 of these types of trips, and that’s OK. They are a rare privilege and an exciting opportunity, but I’m not planning to rely on things that are mostly out of my control. My 2018 financial growth is more dependent on actionable strategies I can implement on my own.
If you’re reading this with the feeling of crushing disappointment (or maybe pleased Schadenfreude) that the most glamorous aspect of travel blogging isn’t as feasible as you thought it was, don’t worry: I’ll still be getting PLENTY of comped trips. I received thousands of dollars worth of complimentary hotels, hostels, tours, etc last year and I’ll get plenty more next year. It doesn’t pay the bills, but it’s still really, really cool 😉

Sponsored Posts
- 2017 Earnings: $2,725
- 2018 Plan: $3,600
- % Increase: 32%
Sponsored Posts are awesome. Unlike paid Press/FAM trips, they don’t necessarily involve actual travel. But they’re more reliable and can be much easier to find if you use influencer networks such as IZEA and Cooperatize. I’ve had some luck with sponsored posts from travel brands that I pitched out to independently, as well.
You might be wondering: what is an influencer network? Essentially, influencer networks act as a go-between for brands and bloggers. Brands who want to promote a campaign using influencers/bloggers hire an influencer network to find the influencers they’ll pay for the campaign.
The network does most of the legwork: they have all of your stats and info, kept up to date for the brands to search and sort through (so sometimes you’ll be asked to apply for a campaign without having to even seek it out, which is absolutely the best feeling ever).
There’s typically a marketplace where you can sort through campaigns to find ones you want to apply for, so all you have to do is log in and browse active campaigns.
When it comes to applying for campaigns through an influencer network, it’s typically just a form that takes under 10 minutes to fill out. The brand will describe the campaign and exactly the niche/audience they’re looking for, and you may or may not have a chance to sell yourself or make a pitch – sometimes it just comes down to your numbers and demographics. Once you apply for a campaign, the brand will decide if you’re a fit for them or not.
If the brand accepts your application, you’ll get all the details you need to create your content: expectations, requirements, deliverables, photos to use, links to include, everything you need.
You’ll also be able to contact the influencer network if you have questions, and they’ll get what you need from the brand. You’ll have a deadline and you’ll need to follow the instructions to create your content, post it, submit it on the influencer network’s site, and complete any required social media support.
You’ll get paid once you’ve completed all of the requirements for the campaign. Each site’s payment schedule varies, some pay every month, some are immediate, some pay out when you hit a targeted traffic amount that you set yourself.
Compared to cold pitching to sponsors that have never heard of me and may or may not be running any marketing campaigns (or may not have ever worked with a blogger before), influencer networks are a walk in the park. I LOVE them. I earned $2,800 last year through about 4 influencer networks, landing a sponsored post every few months.
I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll continue to land steady work through influencer networks in 2018, and also that somehow, magically, sponsors will begin contacting me and wanting to give me money out of nowhere. It’s happened to me a total of 1 time, but whatever, let’s dream big. I’d also like a free Tesla and to be able to buy a house, while we’re dreaming big. Oooh, and no more student loan debt. And a government that cares about climate change and people who aren’t in the 1%. OK, now I’m just being unrealistic.
How I’ll Grow Sponsored Post Revenue in 2018
My primary strategy for growing my Sponsored Posts income is by relying on this fantastic guide to 150+ influencer networks that pay bloggers, created by my friend Meg from Dopes on the Road. She earned $37,000 last year through these networks alone – she’s living proof that you can earn a living from being a full-time travel blogger!
My plan is to sign up for every influencer network on her list, which should theoretically increase my potential for landing sponsored posts significantly – but just in case, I’m conservatively planning only a 32% increase.
Another way I plan to grow my Sponsored Posts blogging income is by reaching out to brands that I know my audience likes already to cold pitch for paid partnerships. I’ll find those companies by doing analysis, like digging into my selling reports from Amazon. Which, if I’m being real, is my idea of a fun Saturday night. Nothing says “I’m a fun, 20-something travel blogger” like analyzing sales reports! God, I’m such a nerd.
Ideally, I’ll be able to line up some paid opportunities for places that I’m going or have already been – like this recent campaign for Prague which I found through Cooperatize, for which I conveniently had a trip planned already.
There is actually huge potential next year in this category, but it’s hard to quantify exactly how much more I can make in Sponsored Posts because again, it depends on availability and other factors I don’t have any control over.
Much like paid FAM/Press Trips, cold pitching for sponsored posts takes a LOT of time & emotional energy. Unless you use an influencer network, in which case it’s as easy as filling out a form.
Although I’m definitely planning to pursue more sponsored posts in 2018, I’m not jumping in head first. After all, I don’t want the majority of posts on Practical Wanderlust to be sponsored posts about places I’ve never been. Too many sponsored posts could lead to a negative perception of me by my readers, and there is nothing more valuable than my relationship with my readers (I love y’all. You’re perfect, you’re beautiful, you look like Linda Evangelista, etc)
I’ve held myself to a limit of sponsored posts (I average around 25% sponsored and 75% unsponsored content) and I’ll continue to honor that. Still, sponsored posts pay, so … I’m going to sell out like, a little bit. Just a touch. I’ll only accept opportunities that truly fit my site and which I fully stand behind – places I actually want to visit and products I’ve actually tried, tested, loved and now can’t shut up about.
Social Media Consulting & Courses
- 2017 Earnings: $2,450.75
- 2018 Plan: $9,400
- % Growth: 283%
This is a HUGE area of growth for me that I’m really excited about. A lot of bloggers credit courses & consulting with the majority of their annual income, and while that isn’t my plan (I like actually blogging more than I like talking about blogging, but let’s be honest… I’ll still talk your ear off about blogging cuz I LOVE IT) I’m definitely planning to dip my toe in that pool in a big way.
Last year I launched a Consultation service, which is where the majority of this income came from. Sharing my knowledge and strategy with other bloggers was something I hadn’t considered until other bloggers started asking me to offer this service. And to my delight, I was able to coach some incredible clients and help them grow & drive traffic to their blogs!
Speaking of which, I’d love to help you reach your blogging goals! You can book a consultation with me here.
How I’ll Grow My Consulting Income Next Year
Most of my income last year came from my Pinterest Consultation service. But sadly, I had to discontinue taking on new clients when I ran out of free time between juggling 2 blogs and a full time (temporary) job. Now that I’m going back to working on the blog full-time, I’m going to be accepting clients again! (Book an hour with me here.)
But what I’m most excited about in 2018 are courses. I’ve got big plans for this year, including producing several juicy courses that dive deep into my areas of expertise. Stay tuned for more information on those!

My Planned Blogging Income for 2018
I earned over $22,000 from my travel blog in 2017. So just how much do I think I can earn in 2018?
Drumroll, please! I’m planning an income next year of over $41,000. That’s a 186% increase to last year.
Also, my not-so-secret stretch goal next year is to surpass my husband’s teaching salary so that I can claim the status of breadwinner again (I’ve been the breadwinner for the entire duration of our relationship up until now, and let’s just say I’m slightly competitive. Ahem).
Jeremy is a high school teacher here in Oakland and earns … well, more than $41,000. Like, not a LOT more (don’t get me started on how unfair this is and how hard teachers work and how backwards our society is, I digress) but enough that that’s my real stretch goal for 2018. Jeremy is also eager to resume his role as a pampered trophy husband.
By the way, if you were reading this hoping to hear that travel blogging can earn you 6 figures in like, a year or whatever, sorry to disappoint. Blogging is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. Frankly, it may not even be a get-rich-at-all scheme. We’ll see, I guess.
But I knew that when I decided to quit a job that paid me well over double what the blog MIGHT earn me in 2018 and make blogging my full time job. It was not an easy decision – walking away from money is never easy – but I’ve made my peace with it.
And by that I mean I made a spreadsheet, because that is how I make major life decisions. See, and you thought I was joking about analyzing some selling reports being my idea of a good time. I’m a nerd and a half, y’all. Read this post if you want to know more about how I made the difficult decision to cut my income in half, and why I ended up using a spreadsheet as a magic 8-ball.
Here’s the thing, though: sure, I’m not going to become a zillionaire off of this blog (although there is a tiny part of me that is dreaming big, and those big dreams look like me and Bill Bryson hanging out in some pedestrian little town making droll, sassy commentary and sipping tea together).
But I know that if I earn that $41,000 I will have worked my butt off to earn EVERY dollar, and my income will be due to my resourcefulness and drive to succeed. Or, in the wise words of RuPaul, my creativity, uniqueness, nerve, and talent!
I created Practical Wanderlust completely from scratch. And that’s a really, really incredible feeling.
I can’t wait to see how far this new career can take me this year. After all, if I can nearly double my $1,000 per month goal of 2016, who knows what kind of surprises 2018 might bring?
I hope this post gave you some ideas for monetizing your own blog! What are you doing to supersize your earnings this year? Tell me your goals for 2018 in the comments!
Psst: Are you a travel blogger who wants to monetize their blog? Figuring out where to start is the hardest part – it took me MONTHS to actually get started! But the sooner you begin, the sooner you can start earning back cash to cover that expensive travel addiction 😉 Sign up for my FREE 5-day email course and I’ll walk you through taking the first steps to start finally start earning money from your travel blog.

Hey, did you find this post informative or inspiring? Save it for later on Pinterest!
Our Top Travel Tips & Resources
- Booking Flights: To score flight deals, search on Google Flights or Kayak. Money-saving tips: fly mid-week or on the weekend; fly carry-on only on a budget airline; and take red-eyes or early morning flights.
- Accommodations: We usually stay in budget-friendly vacation rentals, boutique hotels or private rooms in hostels. We use Booking.com to book hotels (we love their flexible cancellation policy) and Hostelworld to book hostels (low deposit, easy change/cancellation, and excellent reviews). For vacation rentals, we prefer to book using VRBO because they've got lower fees and better support than Airbnb, and we're not fans of Airbnb's unethical track record. You can also book vacation rentals on Expedia and Hotels.com. We also use TrustedHousesitters as both hosts (for our home and our fur-child) and travelers!
- Travel Insurance: We always, always, ALWAYS buy travel insurance for international trips, and we STRONGLY suggest it - visit our Travel Insurance Guide to find out why. We recommend either World Nomads or SafetyWing for international travel insurance. SafetyWing is one of the few policies that covers Covid-19, and they have excellent monthly policies that are perfect for Digital Nomads and long term travelers!
- Travel Credit Card: We book all of our trips on our favorite travel credit card. Not only do we earn cash back that we can spend on more travel, but the card offers fantastic travel perks like travel insurance, trip delay and cancellation coverage, lost baggage reimbursement, and rental car coverage, which helps protect us on our travels. Learn more here.
- Vaccines & Meds: We use the travel guides on the CDC website to research recommended medications and vaccines for international trips. We always recommend getting every vaccine recommended by the CDC! You can get them at your primary care doctor's office or a walk-in pharmacy.
- Tours: We love booking guided tours, especially food tours and walking tours, to get a local's perspective and a history lesson while sight-seeing! We book our tours using Viator and GetYourGuide.
- Transportation: We use Rome2Rio to figure out how to get from place to place, and book local transportation online using Bookaway wherever we can. When we book a rental car, we use DiscoverCars to compare rental companies and find the best deal.
- Luggage Storage: Whenever we're checking out early or taking advantage of a long layover, we use LuggageHero to safely store our luggage while we're running around. Use the code PRACTICALW for 2 hours of free luggage storage on us.
- VPN Service: A VPN keeps your digital information (like website login details, bank info, etc) safe, even when you're connected to an unsecured network while traveling. Plus, it lets you use Netflix & other streaming sites abroad! We use NordVPN. Use the code WANDERLUSTPROMO when you sign up!
- What to Pack: Here are the travel essentials that we bring on every trip. We also have packing lists for hot weather, cold weather, and many more. Take a look at all of our packing guides!
PlacesofJuma says
Thank you very much for your detailed report. I am so happy for you that you have realized your dreams and that you are making the most of your path. I would be interested to know what it was like for you during the Corona period and how things are going now? How are things going for you?
Best regards
Martina from placesofjuma.com
Lia Garcia says
Hey Martina! 2020 was rough, but we made it through. Our blogging income dropped down to almost nothing for a period of time, but then came roaring back in 2021 as ad revenue soared – lots of unused ad budgets were ready to be spent as soon as a vaccine was available. Our traffic never recovered to 2019 levels and we’ve been hit with a few Google algorithm changes, so I suspect it never will again. But in the last 7 years, we’ve grown from a baby blog earning a few thousand to one of the largest travel blogs in the world. From about 2019 onwards, our total revenue from the blog has stayed in the not quite half-a-million range, enough to cover us and our team, which now includes both a full-time employee in addition to myself as well as part-time contractors. I was even able to give myself a nice long maternity leave and hire Jeremy on full time after our baby was born! Other factors than COVID (namely, having a baby) led to us making the decision to expand our business and take a few steps back from running the blog, and a few years ago we started an additional blog (about our new home, Louisville, Kentucky) as well as a tour operation running walking tours in our new home city. That has been a huge help as our income is now not entirely depending on the blog, so google’s algorithm shenanigans don’t keep me up at night anymore. That about covers the last 7 years! We are still earning enough from the blog to keep things moving and comfortable, but I no longer see it as our sole source of income and I’m just not sure if things will ever really recover to pre-2020 levels in the travel blogging world (even though travel as an industry is definitely back and bigger than ever).
Tammy says
Hi Lia, this post is super inspiring and helpful. I’ve been contemplating starting a travel blog for a long time and feel like I finally just want to go for it. Seeing your strategy and thought processes is great!
I do have one question. I’ve done a bit of research on taxes for freelancers and business owners, and it seems like folks in these categories pay quite a bit more than people with traditional jobs where it’s taken directly out of the paycheck. Would you mind sharing *roughly* how much of your blogging income you get to keep? Any other resources you might know of are also appreciated.
Thanks and looking forward to seeing how your next chapter in Kentucky continues 🙂
Lia Garcia says
Hey Tammy, you should definitely talk to a tax specialist about this! It’s so different and depends on a lot of different factors. For me personally, I was paying taxes as a freelancer for the first few years which yes, is a higher rate than a standard salary would be. But also, most of my income was written off as taxable expenses – running a travel blog is pricey and those expenses all add up, so I really didn’t have much income to pay taxes on in the first few years! Once I hit 100k per year in revenue it made the most sense for me to pay taxes as an S-CORP, so now I file as a business and receive a paycheck with taxes taken out of it, and I personally file as a w2. Each year the amount I pay taxes on varies depending on how many expenses I have to write off. So it’s hard to say how much I get to “keep”. There are also other tax write-offs that are important to take into account, such as tax-advantaged accounts, which I contribute to every year. My goal each year is to have as many expenses as possible to lower my tax liability, so the better my business does in a year, the more I spend on things that will ultimately grow my business, such as freelancers, photography gear, travel, etc – those expenses all offset my tax liability. A tax professional can help you with all of this!
saimymill says
I always learn something new when reading your posts, especially since I am trying to grow my blog and monetize. Thank you!
jenifer li says
As usual, you’ve shared extremely helpful information for those of us looking to grow our blogs and monetize. Thank you! Just a quick question and it’s totally fine if you don’t want to share this info. But was wondering if you spent any money to make this money! On what/how much? Danke!
Lia Garcia says
Yes, of course! Running a blog doesn’t take MUCH money – you can easily run a blog for under $100 a month. I think the entire time I’ve had my blog I’ve kept my monthly tech expenses to under $500/month or so. But then there’s software and expanding your team, plus of course, the money it costs to create content. Travel blogs are one of the most expensive types of blog, because ya know – travel’s expensive! During the first year of our blog, we were traveling full-time. That wasn’t directly with the goal of making money on a blog, but it was still a significant expense. (We do say exactly how much in this post: https://practicalwanderlust.com/year-long-honeymoon/) So it is hard to say exactly, because at first I spent almost nothing other than hosting and travel expenses, but these days I spent quite a bit each month. I did include expense details in my monthly income reports from 2018, which was my 2nd full year of blogging.
Kara says
Thank you so much for your post! It’s great to hear success stories, and have such detailed information. I’m just finishing up month 2 of my new travel blog, so no money yet. Hopefully, I will get there.
Kimberly says
This definitely encouraged me. I am a single 22 year old gal, and I have heard about mediavine. I think this is what I need to focus on– getting those sessions in!
Scout says
Thank you SO much for mentioning Mediavine! I am starting a potentially 2-year-long trip in a few months (whenever my house sells, basically), and I am going to be doing a travel blog, as well as live travel streams and I always see these posts on people’s earnings via blogging, but nobody ever seems willing to give up the details.
I am going to sign up with them right away. Great blog by the way I discovered it today, and I’m hooked!
Lia Garcia says
Hey Scout! That sounds awesome – Mediavine is our FAVE and if you’ve got 25k+ sessions per month, definitely apply! FWIW I also co-run a resource site about Travel Blogging where I have tons more income reports and tips about travel blogging. The site is called Slaying Social and you can also join our FB group, https://slayingsocial.com/FBGroup 🙂 Hope to see you there!
Jack says
You say what pisses you off are people saying it can’t be done. Well what pisses me off are people who aren’t even traveling saying they can support themselves traveling with a blog. You are living in SF and your husband is pretty much supporting you. This blog didn’t even make enough money to let you travel the third world for a year (I know because I’ve done that – add up planes, other transport, food, insurance, visas, lodging, etc. and you would have had to fly home after a few months). While I admire you went out of your way to account for every penny, as you say, you also admit not every penny was actually recovered (paid), and how could you possibly know what it means to travel like this when you’re writing from your home in SF where your husband’s income is keeping you afloat!? $10k, what you really ended up with, would not have been enough unless you were staying put in one third world country and barely doing anything. It’s really f-ed up to me when people who don’t even understand the reality of travel write these things saying anyone can do it, and then don’t even provide a way to actually do it. If you had ACTUALLY been traveling the whole of 2017, you would have wound up stranded and homeless abroad as your money would have run out.
Lia Garcia says
Hey Jack, I’m sorry you feel that way, but there are some pretty big missteps here that I need to address.
1) I’m not sure why you would assume that my husband is supporting me (although I’d guess deeply internalized sexism) but your assumption is super wrong. My husband is a teacher and, like all teachers in the USA, is grossly underpaid. I have supported my husband since we met (he was a barista back then!) With the exception of 3 months while I was blogging full time and he was working. It was a sucky 3 months because his income only covers our rent and nothing else. At all. We are both happier with me as the breadwinner.
2) We spent half of 2017 travelling full time as part of our year long honeymoon. To afford that trip, I saved and penny pinched for 5 years. I paid for both my husband and myself to travel for a year using my own savings. We did not work during that time. Our blog didn’t earn very much, which isn’t really relevant because my goal wasn’t to earn money with our blog until we were almost finished with our trip and I saw some potential. I just blogged for fun and because I enjoyed it. Later, my mentality switched and I started treating it like a business.
3) I have never said “anyone can do it” – not sure what you’re referring to exactly but I don’t think “anyone can” either travel full time OR blog full time. It takes a very long time to earn any money with a blog and travelling full time just isn’t feasible for most people. It took me a lot of privalege, some luck, and some hustle to do both and to get to where I am today. I don’t provide a step by step roadmap because not only is it incredibly difficult and impractical for most people to do what we did, but there’s really no reason to. It’s not like traveling or blogging is the perfect life. Everybody shouldn’t necessarily aspire to it. Its also really awesome to have a stable job and a kickass house and travel a few times a year. There’s nothing inherently better about blogging or traveling full time and I don’t think anyone should or shouldn’t do it. I’m not here to tell you what to do, I’m here to tell you what I did and how I did it. Up to you what you’d like to do with that information.
4) Blogging and travelling full time are 2 different things. Many travel bloggers are also fully nomadic, but many, like myself, prefer to be stationed somewhere and have a home and a community to return to. We’ve tried both and we like having a home base way better.
5) I wrote this post at the end of 2017. In 2018, I grew my business and my blog earned me over 6 figures. You can’t expect to create a blog and earn money immediately- it takes a lot of time and effort. But you can earn a decent living doing it, if that’s your goal.
Jeff says
Hi Lia — great post. I’ll venture to say success doesn’t come without a significant investment of time. Would you be willing to share about how much time you put into the blog on a weekly basis and what % of your time you spend on content creation, social media / promotions, and the admin of your business?
Lia Garcia says
You’re absolutely right. I was lucky enough to be traveling full-time during the first year that I started my blog, so I was able to spend probably around 40+ hours per week working on it, and Jeremy helped some as well. These days, I’m spending around 70 hours a week and trying to cut back – it’s not exactly sustainable long-term! As for what I spend my time on, I batch schedule my days, so a very off-the-cuff estimate on time would be 2 days on Content Creation, 1 day on social media and marketing (and general traffic generation) and the rest of my time on random admin stuff.
Fredrik Goldhahn says
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences! You are a true inspiration and we’ll keep our eyes on you for more tips on becomming fulltime travellers (big dreams – big goal)!
Also signed up for the free mail course and can’t wait to read it – knowing it will have looooads of useful information! Keep up your great work!
Lia Garcia says
That’s awesome, Fredrik! Be sure to check out my other site Slaying Social for more blogging tips and income reports 🙂
Nomar says
Great work! This is really inspiring me to work harder as well. Hope to break $1000 a month on Adsense this year. Thanks again & keep it up 🙂
Lia Garcia says
That’s a LOT, wow!! If you’re getting 25k sessions, you’ll definitely earn more on Mediavine than AdSense. But if you’re not there yet with traffic, you are KILLING IT! Keep it up!
Sonia says
Thanks Lia answering me back. Yes right now I am focusing on social media and learning the strategy of each one to make it the most beneficial . I now am focusing on Pinterest, another one to tackle. Basically , I was doing everything the wrong way and learning as I go. It is very overwhelming all the information that is out there and how to find the correct way to make your blog successful. very challenging indeed. Your tips I recieve through email is helping me. Thank you so much !!!!
Lia Garcia says
Happy to help! I’m also currently working on writing a series of Pinterest courses that might be helpful as well. Glad you’re on the mailing list – keep an eye out for more information about that coming your way soon 🙂
Geoff Myers says
This sounds great I’m looking forward to following some tips to see if I can pick up on anything. At least you were descriptive on what it takes to succeed. Thanks for the insight
Sonia says
Hi Lia
This is a very detailed & great article! My challenge is how to get high readership, I feel I struggle with this.
I write posts, understand SEO, send it on social media yet it is still really low. Any tips?
Thanks Sonia
Lia Garcia says
Hey Sonia! That’s a big challenge for sure. My advice is to focus on both long term & short term traffic goals. SEO is best for long term – social media is best for short term. I put a LOT of effort into social media early on in my blog, and it really paid off quickly while I waited for SEO to catch up. The best social media tool for travel blogs especially is Pinterest. I credit Pinterest with driving 20k visitors to my site within my first 6 months on the blog – it’s POWERFUL! You can read all of my tips for Pinterest and other social media tools at the social media resource site I run with another full-time travel blogger, Slaying Social.
Molly says
I’m a newbie and this post has me fired up and inspired! I always read posts like “HOW I MAKE A TRILLION ZILLION DOLLARS A WEEK FROM MY TRAVEL BLOG” and that just seems so unattainable and far away and it’s SO discouraging! Your post is exactly what I needed today, and I feel like I can do it! Thanks a trillion zillion 😉
Lia Garcia says
YAY I’m so glad to hear that! I know exactly what you mean and that’s why I decided to write this post. It’s not a huge sum, but it’s all mine and I’m SUPER proud of it. And it’s fairly attainable, too!
Lyndsay says
Wow. I am continually researching ideas to help me monetize my blog and really just overall improve its quality, and I have never read anything as useful as this post! Thank you so much for being so specific!
Lia Garcia says
I’ve definitely been in your shoes and felt SO frustrated by the lack of specific information out there, so I wanted to avoid that! I’m so glad you found it helpful.
Josephine says
Oh wauw thank you so much for sharing all this! I have been writing on my blog for a couple of years now (casually) but am starting to figure out how to make a little bit of money off of it.
Stephanie says
Hi Lia, thanks so much for this. This was such an inspirational post. I just launched my blog and was getting a bit worried of how to monetize since I realised most blogs that are actually making a significant income are “blogs about blogging”. So it’s really inspiring to see a travel blog making such a substantial amount as well — and in just a year! Kudos to you and good luck in 2018!
Lia Garcia says
Thanks Stephanie! I’m flattered that you consider my income “substantial” 😛 but so glad to inspire you!
Louise says
Thank you for this very detailed and informative post!! Very interesting. Thanks for sharing your journey! And best of luck for 2018 🙂 I’m sure you will reach your goals.
Julie says
Hello Lia, this is Julie from the Earth Trekkers. I just stumbled across you and your blog on Tailwind Tribes. I love your vision and your honesty. It is a huge thrill once your blog starts making money. We have had an almost identical experience in the past year. Mediavine is just wonderful. Here’s to happy travels in 2018 and surpassing all of your goals! You have the right spirit to be very successful at this. Cheers!
Lia Garcia says
Hi Julie, thanks for the support! And YAY Mediavine is the best <3
Maria says
I just stumbled upon your amazing website through…Pinterest! Last summer I backpacked for 3 months through Europe and fell in love with the experience. Will be doing it again this year, but have since decided to create a blog and turn this newfound love into a full time job. I’m literally in the creation process of the blog as we speak (hence why I have given you my professional website in the area below and not my travel one yet) and have just signed up for your 5-day email course. Any tips for brand new bloggers like myself? I too have a corporate background and can’t help but LOVE spreadsheets so I’ll definitely be analyzing and projecting every step of the way. Keep up the amazing work – this is so inspiring to read. I only hope I can be as successful as you! xx
Lia Garcia says
My biggest tip for a brand new blogger is to focus on creating really, really, really good content. Study your favorite blogs, figure out what they’re doing well and why they’re your favorites, and learn from them!
Peter says
This is an excellent breakdown. Thanks for sharing. Stumbled across your post via the blogging subreddit.
Increasing my income from blogging is definitely something that I’m aiming to improve this year, so it’s good to see how others are doing it.
The issue that I have at the moment is getting the views, I’m getting a decent number of visitors from search and social at the moment, but I know that it could be better. Especially my pinterest strategy. I’ve been using tailwind a bit, but I think I just need to be a bit more proactive on it as there’s so much potential there.
Lia Garcia says
Pinterest has been HUGE for us! It was crucial for our first big traffic push. Definitely check out some of my Pinterest tips here: https://slayingsocial.com/category/Pinterest 🙂
Maddie says
Hi Lia, I’ve just stumbled across your blog and have been on a binge read – love your story and really appreciate how honest you are about your experiences 🙂 What you’ve achieved in the last year is a great inspiration to me, I’m just starting to reignite my own blog after an 18 month absence. Looking forward to seeing where 2018 takes you!
Lia Garcia says
Thank you Maddie, that’s so sweet! I’m so happy that you went on a binge read, that’s what I always do when I find a new blogger I really like! It’s a huge compliment 😀 Best of luck with your blog! I’ll be posting lots of content for bloggers this year so make sure you’re subscribed to my email list so you know when a new post is up 🙂
Taylor Palmer says
Thanks for sharing! I am definitely going to try to increase my page visitors for 2018 and build affiliate income 🙂 Do you have an invitation code for AWIN?
Lia Garcia says
Hmmm I don’t, but I’ll contact AWIN and see if I can get some!
Lindsay says
Saw your post over on MediaVine’s facebook group. I was so curious to read your post. Congratulations! I am also a full-time blogger and my income is spread out in a few different categories as well. I’m a first time visitor but your blog looks really nice. Keep up the good work in 2018!
Lia Garcia says
Thanks so much, Lindsay!
Rebecca Forstadt Olkowski says
What a wonderful and helpful post. It was interesting to hear your perspective on paid press trips. I live in LA so I understand about living in an expensive area that sucks up your income in rent. Just FYI, I just learned I had to block my affiliate companies in Adsense or it steals away your affiliate clicks. Would that work with Media Vine?
Lia Garcia says
Hmm with Mediavine you can disable categories but not specific advertisers. But I’m not really worried about Mediavine stealing my clicks – I find that deeplinking is FAR more effective than an image/banner ad, and most of my affiliate links are deeplinked.
Sarah Carter says
Congratulations! I’m where you were last year – aiming for $1,000 a month from blogging. It’s terrifying writing that down and wondering if I’ll be able to get there! What’s also terrifying, is investing money to try and get there without a sure bet of what actually works and for who. I’d be really interested in where you invest your $$ and what level of investment you make. Thanks again and good luck for 2018!
Lia Garcia says
That’s a fantastic idea for a post! I’m really excited to post more about blogging this year, so I’ll add that to my post list. Be sure to subscribe to my email list so you get notified when I write new content about blogging!
It’s REALLY scary to actually spend money, but you know what they say … you gotta spend money to make money, bla bla blaaaaa. And not just on travel 😛 It’s true though – once you start investing in yourself and treating your blog like a business, it DOES pay off. I’ve got a few services that I definitely think are worth the money – off the top of my head, my email provider, my host, and Adobe Creative Suite are some of my faves.
Sarah says
As usual, you’ve shared extremely helpful information for those of us looking to grow our blogs and monetize. Thank you! Just a quick question and it’s totally fine if you don’t want to share this info. But was wondering if you spent any money to make this money! On what/how much? Danke!
Thomas Espeute says
It’s a great post, Lia! It’s true that travel blogging is a hard job, but it’s so exciting at the same time!!!! I can see you’re working a lot to realise your dream, and all your efforts are paying now.
And I’m impressed by your Pinterest skills ^^ – I’m following you on slaying social already.
Have fun and good luck for the next level! I’m sure you will succeed 😉
Jennifer says
Hi Lia!
New reader here – The end of your post says that I can sign up for a 5-part email training. Where do I sign up for that? Thank you! This is just the nuts and bolts that I have been looking for!
Lia Garcia says
Hey Jennifer! Look for the big gray box with the “Monetize Your Blog in 5 Days!” headline. Or if you can’t find it, just click here!
Lindsay says
This post is so helpful and motivating for me, full of lots of ideas. I have been dabbling in blogging for almost a year-and-a-half now and have decided to really give it a go this year (at least on a part-time basis as I’m a full-time parent to two active kids). I’m finally starting to feel that I have a bit of direction, especially after reading posts like yours, so thank-you! Now I just need to figure out how to grow my pageviews!!! Kind regards, Lindsay
Lia Garcia says
I’m so happy to help motivate you! When it comes to Pageviews, Pinterest is always my go-to for quick growth! Head over to Slaying Social to read our Pinterest Guides 🙂
Ali says
Congrats on making some great money with your blog! It’s definitely not a fast process, but it IS totally possible. Blogging is now my full time work, and in 2017, I earned a decent amount more than that $41,000 you’re aiming for, so you can totally get there. I’m now earning almost as much as my last “normal” office job, and I expect 2018 to at least match that salary. Like you, ads are a big part of my income. I’m with AdThrive and they are WONDERFUL! You need 100k pageviews a month to sign on with them, and I highly recommend it to anyone who reaches that point. Affiliate marketing is tough. Amazon is also my biggest, but man I would love to increase the other ones! I make a decent amount from Viator (through Shareasale) but even still, it’s anywhere from $100-$350 a month, and everything else is just trickles. And yeah, Adsense is pretty bad. I still have them on my site that has lower traffic (and on my husband’s blog) and it only amounts to about $20 or so a month. I never ever thought I’d be able to make a full time living from my travel blog, but I’m so happy I’m there now! Keep pushing, and I imagine you’ll meet or even beat your goals for this year!
Lia Garcia says
Thank you Ali! I would LOVE to be able to earn as much as my old corporate salary, so that’s so inspiring 🙂 I’ve heard really good things about AdThrive and I’ll hit 100k page views monthly this year, but I’m loving Mediavine so I’m not sure whether I’ll switch or not. Thank you so much for the support and inspiration!